Top Wildlife Removal Successes in Jacksonville
Not sure if you caught this, but we did! That’s what we do.
In the animal and wildlife industry, property destruction based offenses are considered especially costly.
In Jacksonville, Florida, the dedicated professionals who catch these critter nuisances are members of an elite squad known as Quick Catch.
These are their stories.
Raccoon Sneaking In? Not On Our Watch!
Raccoons are very curious and highly intelligent creatures.
While they tend to have a diet of eggs, fish, insects and even small reptiles, this one below is dining on a treat that we provided – right before being captured!
Pigs Gone Wild
A Jacksonville homeowner called us when she saw what feral hogs did to her yard!
2nd to Texas, Florida is the number 2 state in the U.S. for feral hog population!
Feral hog numbers are on the rise, there are an estimated 4-5 million in the US. They consume native wildlife and plants, compete for food sources and their rooting (pictured) causes erosion.
A “family” of feral hogs is called a sounder. They are incredibly smart, communicating with each other when they find a food source and warning others of danger.
This makes no difference to us as… they are no match for team Quick Catch.
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Tags: raccoon removal, wild hog removal, wild hogs
Read more posts from the Category Feral Hogs, Wild Animal Stories, Wildlife Removal.