Wild Boar Removal in Jacksonville / Ponte Vedra
At Quick Catch, we have a mission to service our customers by trapping and removing wild animals and nuisances. Recently we helped a customer by catching a feral hog that had found it’s way into their lawn and in just a short time had caused a lot of damage.
Wild hogs look for food with their snouts and can quickly cause a lot of damage to your lawn or property. See below for an example of wild hog damage. One wild boar can cause this much damage in around an hour.

Damage caused by a Wild Hog.
After we saw the damage, we immediately knew we were dealing with a wild pig and instantly began to set up a hog trap to catch it. Quick Catch has a lot of experience catching wild hogs and knows the importance of doing the job right and catching all the hogs at one time if there are multiple. Wild hogs are smart and will learn quickly, so if you try and catch them one at a time they may become hard to catch moving forward.

Trap set to catch the Feral Hog
Quick Catch also uses modern technology to monitor and control the trap to ensure the results are ideal. In this case, we were dealing with a lone hog and didn’t have to be concerned with catching multiple hogs. So, we set the trap and stood by to take action.

Successfully having caught the wild hog.
Within a short time, we were able to catch the culprit that had been causing the damage and removed him from the property to ensure he would not be continuing to cause damage.
IF you are dealing with a problem with wild boar, call us for an estimate of our services.
IF you know a Property Manager OR owner of a Pest Control Company, please contact us as we would appreciate an introduction to offer our wild boar removal services.
We aim to be North Florida’s premier wild hog removal service provider and highly appreciate any assistance to help us reach our goal.
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