Wild Hog Trapping in Florida With Cellular Hog Trap
We’ve got the hog trap set up at this hospital and we’ve got the camera set up overlooking the hog trap. The hogs are in there feeding right now. What I’m waiting for is another confirmation picture to confirm that these hogs in the trap. If they are in
the trap I’m gonna go onto my app and hit the button and within about 15 seconds the door drops.
That’s how we catch hogs in 2019.
There still in the trap. So I’m gonna go ahead and close it.
That should take bit about 15-20 seconds.
That gate will drop, pigs and be caught and it will inform the customer that the hogs are in the trap.
I just got a picture of all these hogs the doors are down and all the hogs are in the trap.
Success! So let’s go pick them up.
Looks like five pigs in the trap.
All pretty small forty of fifty pounds.
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Tags: wild hog removal, wild hogs, wildlife videos
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